Saturday, January 23, 2016

Thoughts on DC Legends Of Tomorrow

Review written by Antoine Johnson aka Tony Newport
writer and artist for Amerime Media 1/22/16

What can I say? as a fan of both shows Arrow and The Flash I can say that this is one of DC's ballsiest  shows to date. I'm completely caught up into the lore of these characters, their origins, their struggles, and the things they had to do to get to where they are. I wonder if the many people who have stopped watching or never seen DC's Arrow will The Legends Of Tomorrow be a show that they can get into and not feel lost and confused? 

The CW thought they were clever by scheduling a recap episode of the characters to draw you into the show without prior shows knowledge and expect you to care instantly for them and be excited. I remind you that they have been advertised for over a year now and yet the question still remains, do people even care? I say they should be because how many times do people really need an origin story shoved in every show we get? Not many! Hell, the show Gotham is nothing but Bruce's origin in real time.

Legends of Tomorrow may have a lot going for it in the respects that, as a solo show, it can stand on its own.You may disagree, but hear me out, I've watched every episode of Arrow since its debut and followed reactions of most people who had mixed feelings about the show with every season that goes by. What got people interested again was the introduction of the Flash. Now the Flash is a show that stands alone on its own because he's a well-known character that everyone knows and the main focus of the show is him being the only hero. With Legends, on the other hand, contains some of the best side characters finally getting their chance to shine. Do I care to see this... yes I do! Do you care to see this? maybe after the little explanation of the pilot I'm pretty sure you'll want to get to know these characters more. 

Even though the pilot does little to explain the characters because they assume you should know them by now, it  goes a long way to explain the plot. The show creators thought that the only character we really need to know is Rip Hunter because he's the driving focus that brings the new team together. As far as the team, we learn their differences and their respective reasons for joining (well done Greg Berlanti and friends.) The chemistry between most of the characters makes you believe that they know each other and it's nothing new to them even though it is. Even if you're someone who's new to the series, this blogger believes that you should give it a try. It's a hero/villain team unlike anything we've seen so far, and I find it interesting and I think you will too.

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