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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Young Justice Season 3

Amerime Media
Young Justice season 3
By Corey FLoyd

Back in 2013 we had to say goodbye to hit TV show Young Justice.  But why? It was a top watched show on the network. Believe it or not what killed the show was toys. A toy company was paying for the show to help push their toys. Ironically the toy line sucked mainly because there was a higher demand for the female characters and the company  didn’t want to supply. So going into Season 2 Greg Weisman and staff knew that this was the last season. So they gave it their all and gave us a great season finale with a amazing reveal at the end making us want more. So we told them we want more by doing what we do best complain and spend money, but mainly spend money. Season 1&2 of Young Justice were very hot DVD buys. Netflix added the show to its streaming service and viewership was and still is fantastic. So after the fans let their voices be heard Young Justice is coming back.

After seeking out Greg Weisman on twitter  we  found out a few things. They are in pre-pre production and you won’t see a trailer the closer to the end of next year. We have waited so long I guess we can wait a little longer. The animation will stay the same . There have been some major concerns about the animation design. Last thing we need is a animation shift like “Teen Titans” to “Teen Titans GO!!.”  It has also been revealed that it will not air on Cartoon Network. “Young Justice will not air on Cartoon network it will be on a different channel.” Says Weisman via Twitter. They have not released where it will air but my theory is Netflix. It won’t air on Cartoon Network it doesn’t fit into Nickelodeon’s programming and Netflix has been a big supporter of DC as well as Marvel and since Netflix help the surge proving this show was axed too soon they best way to pay them back is to have season three a netflix exclusive.Weisman Appreciates all the fan support and know he ask only one thing from the fans Stop pitching episodes. He has been very verbal on this front because people despite their good intentions pitching an episode idea through a tweet actually hinders the creative process cause now they can’t use it even if it was a good idea. I say they have already been doing a good job let’s just sit back and let Young Justice be great again.  

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Marco Cancelled!

By Corey Floyd

Sad to say that of all the Netflix original shows Marco Polo is the first one to be canceled. Yes, folks, out of the forty plus original shows this one failed first. Season one immersed us in a new world and the ratings reflected it. There was conflict, betrayal, and violence. It was being compared to HBO’s Game of Thrones but obviously based more in reality with splashes of history dabbled in it. The Weinstein company who produced the show reported a 200 hundred million dollar loss. Harvey Weinstein was quoted saying

 “Netflix has been incredible to give us the room to make a series with a cast true to every principle of diversity. It’s a bold network that allows you to do that and support us in the way that Netflix did. As many people know, Asian history and the world of martial arts have fascinated me for all of my careers — I’ve made many movies around these topics and this genre, and now this TV show I’m so proud of. John has been a great partner and we’re both fascinated to continue exploring this exciting period in history on future projects together.”

Now this is their first failure in the original series department. Some programs had a short lifespan Hemlock Grove only had three seasons I didn't have a chance to get stale so it came and went. Marco Polo won’t be the last show either 70s-80s hip hop drama “The Run Down” is missing a lot of views and they hope that the release of the rest of the second season will save it  The gritty teen drama “Between”  has two seasons done and are waiting to hear if they get a third both shows are great I suggest you check them out.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Award Goes To… Deadpool?!

Amerime Media

The Award Goes To… Deadpool?!

by Corey Floyd


It’s that special time of year in Hollywood where they announce the nominees for

the Golden Globes. This is the playoffs in Hollywood and the winners here mostly go on to

the Academy Awards. So surprise surprise when I heard Deadpool was up for best picture

in a comedy or musical and Ryan Reynolds has been nominated for best actor in a comedy

or musical. This is a very big deal. In my opinion this has definitely shaken up the comic

book movie bubble.

This the first big nomination for a comic book movie that is not about visual effects. I don’t

count Heath Ledger Oscar for the Joker cause they already announced he was gonna get it

before the show because he died. For years comic book movies have only been shoe in for

visual effects but now a movie has passed that threshold and has been nominated for best

picture and on top of that the lead is up for best actor. This is also a huge deal for 20th

Century Fox who has been on the losing side of the Marvel war with shaky story lines and

and average movie earnings from the last few X-Men films and the disaster of a Reboot for

the Fantastic Four. Which bring me to another point this nomination should be a big

wakeup call to Fox movie executives to not meddle with the creative process of these films.

During production of Deadpool there were constant stories floating around about

executives trying to add their two cents to the creative process. Usually causing disarray

confusion and ending in a terrible film Fantastic 4 for example. The Director Tim Miller,

writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick and Reynold stood their ground. Ironically that

probably what lead them to just a 58 million dollar budget but when life give you lemons

you make 783 million dollar profit. This Tim Miller first big nomination from his first full

length feature film. He is most commonly know in the gaming community for directing

cutscenes for games like Mass Effect and a few short animated films. He went from the

minor to the big leagues fast and knocked it out of the park. Hopefully this nomination can

bring him and Reynolds back on the same page since he’s not directing Deadpool 2 due to

some unknown issue between him and Reynolds Maybe he can reconcile knowing that

they made history again. But that’s Hopeful thinking.

This is a Huge win just being nominated for Reynolds who has been working on this

film for years in development hell. The funny part about his performance in the movie is if

you have ever seen a comedy with Reynolds in it you see that nothing much has changed

since 2 Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place. Seriously look at all of his comedic roles up to

Deadpool and you will agree. The only difference is how much money it made. But Kudos

all the same Reynolds.His category does have some heavy hitters he’s going against Jonah

Hill, Colin Farrell, Hugh Grant and Ryan Gosling. Im cheering for the Merc with the Mouth. I

he does win I would love to see him accept his award like this.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

My two Gils on Final Fantasy

Never have I been more excited about a Square Enix games since Final Fantasy X.  With their latest installment XV it’s like a breath of much needed fresh air into their franchise.  When you start the game the opening words reads for fans and first time gamers alike. Which makes the game friendly to folks new to the franchise, and old heads like me. Again I haven’t played Final Fantasy so passionately since X and I got to say it’s like riding a bicycle.

My brief history with the game…

My first Final Fantasy game was surprisingly not the one everyone seems to remember or even care about.  I was too young to understand the 16-bit game. VII AND VIII were amazing for their times, but I just had no interest at all for them.  It  wasn’t until IX  that I fully engaged in a Final Fantasy story. Being a rouge inside of a game was the best time I had playing an JRPG in ever. X was the first to have mostly speaking voice lines so I had to play that. Honestly the rest afterwards just didn’t seem worth playing.

First things I noticed about FFXV…

XV changes the rules a bit, but it still has that FF feel. They seem to really want to  appeal to their western fans because XV is basically Final Fantasy in America. The first thing I really noticed was that I was driving on the right side of the road, and the steering wheel was on the left. The new yet familiar look of an American landscapes when driving throughout the world all feels like the developers said. “America will be a great base for our games.” and so far its paying off.


Playing with these characters feels genuine. It’s almost like you’ve known these guys for years. Their personalities are a bit on the anime side, but everyone still feels like their own person. Prompto is the classic goof-ball and the weakest character as far as HP (HIT POINTS) but he surely makes it up in a fight. His support weapons make short work of the enemy, and they do it fast. Ignis is my personal favorite because of his style and cooking skill. He comes off like some kind of butler or mother figure, yet he makes sure our characters are always well feed and battle ready when the time is needed. Gladiolus is the brute of the crew, but he’s no idiot, This giant of a man is loyal to his friends  and will always protect them no matter what. He decided to be Noctus shield long ago and he wants Noctus to be as decisive. Noctus is our main character. He’s the typical emotional kid who doesn’t want to accept his responsibilities. Throughout his journey, as he grows, he comes to accept his fate and becomes the man he’s meant to be.

Overall I’m thrilled to play this game.  Unlike most people who rushed the story, I will be taking my sweet ass time.  I am going to enjoy every aspect of this game to it’s fullest.  Final Fantasy XV will have you deeply engaged. In this long and winding adventure you can easily forget that there is an actual world outside your house. As you are reading this I am probably still playing this game... that’s how good it is. So in all honesty it is, hands down, the best game of 2016

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