By Corey Floyd

Chucky’s back tell a friend. Breaking news the other day announcement that another installment to the Chucky franchise will begin shooting before the month is out. If you guys recall back in the fall of 2013 Curse of Chucky came out straight to DVD and reviews were actually good as well as sales, but then again you release a horror DVD in October it was kind of inevitable. The film's title will be CULT OF CHUCKY it will be a direct sequel from the last installment which raises some eyebrows cause it seems like at the end of that movie Chucky actually won and was taking the soul of a young girl. Well, I’m going to trust Don Mancini since he was one of the original writers for the first installment and he was behind the most recent installment as well but this time he is also taking the director's chair. Of course, they have Brad Dourif returning as the voice of Chucky and Jennifer Tilly returns as Tiffany. If you watched Curse of Chucky you will remember Alice played by Summer H. Howell she returns this time she is serving time in a mental hospital from what happened in the film before. I don’t wanna give away too much plot but I will say this. Andy Berkley is back the original kid he was after returns to the franchise, played by Alex Vincent reprising the role he hasn't played since 1990. I’m excited the movie plans on being out by fall so keep your eyes open for your friend till the end.
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