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Thursday, February 9, 2017


Amerime Media     
By Corey Floyd

Of course, we know that Ben Affleck has decided to step down as the director of the upcoming Batman film. We are not sure why but I have a standing theory. Too many hats! Not only does he have to star in it he also wrote it he also must stay in tip-top shape and train for this but then he has to direct too? 

That has to be a lot of strain for one man to take. So who should pick up the mantle as a director? A lot of people think Zack Snyder should do it. I think it might be a good idea. Now I know your skeptic but hear me out for a moment. 

Batman V. Superman was not a good sequel to Man of Steel and Man of Steel was not the best movie. But every scene of Batman was solid to keep the film afloat his chemistry with Jeremy Irons as Alfred was witty and memorable and his fight scene to save Martha was the highlight of the film. Maybe just maybe he can do it. 

If not I do have a wildcard up my sleeve and I do mean wildcard. Jay Oliva……….. Never heard of him huh? Well, his name speaks volumes in the animation world. He has directed all DC animated pieces over the last five years “Dark Knight Returns, and Flashpoint Paradox” are prime examples of his prowess when it comes to DC storytelling he is the man without a doubt. 

Perhaps they could team up? If they did they would knock the Russo brothers out of the park. But it's just a thought. One that makes sense and sounds feasible. It could be worse they could get Michael Bay to direct Batman or bring back Joel Schumacher and the bat nipples. In that case, Bay isn’t so bad. 

But if you have an idea for who would be a good director don’t be a stranger contact us. Until then go BATTFLECK!!!   

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Justice League Action... I Like it!!

Amerime Media
Justice League Action….. I Like it!!
By Corey Floyd

Hey, guys when I first saw the trailer for this I was definitely on the fence about this show. First of all, I want my third season of Young Justice. Second I want my third season of Young Justice. If you are as well make sure you check out the Young Justice season three blog.

 Ironically this cartoon was also made to sell toys. But this show is still very good but for different reasons. The animation and style of it are definitely different it's like that a merging of golden and silver era concepts. It never goes too Dark. Don’t get me wrong I like my dark gritty story lines but I also enjoy the lighter side of my comics as well and they bring that.

 Kevin Conroy is still the damn Batman! That’s a plus in itself also Mark Hamill as Joker. They also give other heroes and villains a chance to shine. Some have been forgotten like the Nuclear family or Brother Knight. It also provides a bit of nostalgia for the Saturday morning cartoon. I think it should stick around a little longer. They also make fun of themselves. Not on the meta levels like Teen Titans Go! But they do and it works. I hope this show isn’t on the chopping block soon cause I look forward to it and I think everyone should check it out.   

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