A few weeks ago I came across a trailer for a quiet place. It looked like a typical family film but then a kid got mauled for playing with a toy car. Okay, you have my curiosity. Then I saw John Krasinski was in it with a killer beard. Naturally, I was a huge fan of the prankster from the office so I knew I had to see it. Whenever you get funny actors playing serious parts you get gold.
The movie takes place somewhere in mid-America about 2 years after an alien attack. To keep the mystique of the creature there is no origin story behind it. Only a few things are known about them. They are blind and they kill anything that makes a sound. So John and his family live out there days surviving in silence. His wife is played by his real-life wife Emily Blunt so their chemistry is natural. Her character is pregnant and it looks like she could go into labor any minute. The kids fit in with no problem it actually adds more to it since their oldest daughter is deaf and uses a hearing aid. The most important member of the cast is sound. The is very little sound and dialogue throughout the film so it’s a very visual experience. Luckily I was a viewing with very few theater eaters and cell phone douchebags. Every scene tells a story from the quiet walks on sand that they put down to get around everywhere to the board game with soft handcrafted pieces so the children can have a small attempt at a normal life. Since one of their kids is deaf ASL ( American sign language) is used for most scenes.
The cinematography is breathtaking and the sound engineer role is just a pivotal as the director. The Director is John Krasinski who had only directed one other film prior as well as a few episodes of The Office. He also Jacked, that plus the beard I can help see him as a live-action snake for Metal Gear Solid. You might have noticed that I have shown you any pictures of the creature. That is intentional I love the design of the creatures so much I think you need to get your butt to the movies and see it. I will say this if you think the Demogorgon from Stranger Things was nasty this is like his cousin that he doesn’t talk about. Its completely CGI and I understand why. I don’t think practical would have got this right. The 17 million dollar movie has already made its money back and some. I agree with the rest of the critics best horror movie of 2018. I'm glad I went to see this instead of truth or dare. I give this a 4.5 out of 5. I hope when you see this there's not some jerk making too much noise.
P.S if you liked this you'll love this: Interview with Greg Cipes
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